01 July 2023
COARE's Executive Director was elected to represent the NGO Major Group to the Major Groups Facilitating Committee of the United Nations Environment Programme.
04 May 2023
Our Executive Director was honored to deliever a joint opening statement at the second meeting of the Plastics Treaty International Negotiating Committee (INC), held at UNESCO in Paris.
Watch his opening remarks here.
09 March 2023
COARE's Executive Director was invited to KQED's Forum program on NPR to the United Nations agreement to protect the High Seas, paving the way towards 30x30.
Listen to the program here.
05 March 2023
This weekend United Nations agreed to a new #HighSeasTreaty to begin protecting the 2/3 of #OurOcean that is the #HighSeas. Less than 1.2% is currently protected, and COARE is proud to have been part of this process finally paving the way for #30x30!
02 March 2023
COARE was invited to the participate in the Our Ocean Conference - a high-level summit with Ministers and Heads of State to discuss the future of our Ocean.